MCEP 来华项目

Travel to China

MCEP routinely visits China as part of an ongoing effort to forge lasting relationships abroad while building a greater understanding of China here at home. Right now, we take three different types of trips, bringing along people varying from local civic and business leaders to teachers, students, and everyday Americans.


1. For Businesses

In a global digital economy, it’s never been more important for small and medium-sized businesses to have robust international relationships so they can fulfill their potential, expand their business, and create jobs here at home.

MCEP is interested in helping small- to medium-sized businesses thrive in this new economy by forging these vital relationships. We can help you by:

Making connections with Chinese businesses already expanding into metro Detroit – especially businesses in need of a specific product or service, but unaware of local talent to help. Providing information and guidance on federal programs like EB5, which can bring capital to job-creating projects in Macomb County. Matching you with other local businesses already exporting overseas – businesses which can offer you insight and advice. Taking you along on one of our economic development trips, giving you firsthand experience and connections with the right people in China and elsewhere. If your business is interested in exploring the possibilities of exporting, or if you need capital to expand, we can help build the connections and provide the contacts you need to evaluate the possibilities and come to the best decisions for you and your business.

Together, we can make Macomb thrive in this new economy – building relationships abroad, and creating jobs here at home.

Economic Development Trips Our main purpose is to create connections between Macomb County and other economies throughout the world. We’re starting with China in a good-faith effort to build a positive relationship between China and Macomb’s businesses, schools, professional groups, and government. Our ultimate focus is to bring economic activity and job growth to Macomb County.

Prioritizing your business and professional needs, we offer very cost-effective trips that can be tailored to meet your desires and interests. Our economic development trips generally embark twice a year – every April and late November (after Thanksgiving) – last for about nine days, and are focused on the participants on the given trip. For businesses, we can enlist the help of our contacts in the US Consulate, Chinese business community, and local schools & governments help create a custom-fit plan that makes sense for you.

1. 面向企业家


马克姆郡文化与经济合作中心(MCEP) 乐意协助中小企业,搭建這些重要的国际关系,好在这个新的经济时代中兴旺繁荣。我们可以协助您:

  • 与已经扩展到底特律都会区的中国企业连系 – 尤其是那些需要特定产品或服务,但尚未找到当地人脉的企业。
  • 提供联邦方案的信息和指南,例如EB5方案能提供资金给在马克姆县创造就业机会的计划。搭配您与其他外销企业联络,提供您看法及建议。
  • 带领您参加每年举办的经济发展之旅,提供您在中国和其他区域的第一手的经验及重要人脉。如果您的企业有意寻求出口机会,或需要扩充资金,我们能协助您建立人脉,提供您会晤机会,让您可以有效地评估可能性,对您及商务作出最好的決定。我们可以携手共创马克姆在新经济时代的蓬勃发展 – 建立国际关系,并在本地创造就业机会。



2. For Educators

Building ties with China and the world is a critical part of 21st Century education. The Macomb Cultural and Economic Partnership can help set up sister school partnerships between your institution and a school in China.

The Macomb Cultural and Economic Partnership also takes educators and school administrators on cultural connection trips to China twice a year. If you are interested in setting up a sister school partnership or participating in one of our upcoming cultural connection trips, please contact us.

2. 面向教育工作者




3. For Students

Cultural Trip Are you someone interested in exploring China? Maybe you’re just fascinated by a new culture, interested in the global economy, or figuring out the impact of China’s rise on your family’s future. If so, this trip is for you.

Designed for the inquisitive, but flexible for most everybody, this is a trip where you’ll be able to see the developments – both historic and modern – that define Chinese life. We move between the centuries from site to site, and make it comfortable for you to experience the local culture. You’ll gain a realistic picture of what China is – and just as importantly, what it is not.

Usually occurring in April (during Spring Break), MCEP’s Cultural Trip is set at a pleasant time of the year – before the heat of summer, but after the cold of winter.

Have a group with a special purpose? Let us design a trip for you. Whether you’re Chinese or American, a professional group, civic organization, or a school, we can help you build a rewarding, unforgettable experience that lasts a lifetime.

The Macomb Cultural and Economic partnership can help place Chinese and American students in cross cultural business internships.

3. 面向学生
